
Thursday 6 June 2019

our brainstorm on states of matter


  1. Hay, Ila this is Joshua and I really like your amazing ideas on you Solid, liquid and gas. I hope that you like your work and hope that you like it to.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Talofa Lava Ila it's Kaiva. I really like your work and your images and your cool😎 work it's so good👍👌 work Ila.

  4. Hi I like how you have put your work out and I really like how you have even made a question time I will answer and leave it in the comments good Job

  5. Hi, Ila This is Joshua and I would just like to answer the questions because I said that i would answer the questions in my last comment. Question 1 is the main states of matter are solid, liquid, gas. Second question it is about liquids. Last question
    liquids are waters and things that can keep you hydrated.
