
Tuesday 15 December 2020

Here Is My Comment



  1. Kia ora Ila,

    I’m Daniel from the SLJ Blog commenting team. I’m looking forward to seeing all your amazing blog posts and I hope you’re enjoying your summer.

    Good Job on your comment on Faafua’s blog. I found their picture really interesting too. The new version with the green background almost looks like it could be a countries flag.

    It’s great that you shared you were interested and you asked them a question, great start.

    Remembering ‘Positive’, ‘Thoughtful’, ‘Helpful’. I think your comment was positive and thoughtful but going one step further, maybe you could give them a specific example of something they could try differently or add to make their work better next time.

    When we do this in a kind, caring way it helps them learn and improve. It takes a bit of practice to do this while still being positive and encouraging but it’s worth it to help others improve.

    Good work Ila,
    See you later in the comments.


  2. Hi Ila
    I am so proud of you to be doing the SLJ activities.
    Please remember to reply to everyone who comments on your blog posts. Well done

  3. Wsp Ila this Kaiva its been along time since weave met but I would like to say keep working hard and keep making people proud like Toa and your Mum saying this from the bottom of my heart see you at Isaac house.
